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Real Wedding - Mr & Mrs Crewe

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

Hello beautiful,

As promised, we are now super delighted to share our final Wedding of the Month of 2017!

Our November Featured Bride is Jenna, who married her Mick on the 3rd November 2017, at Broadoaks Country House Hotel, Troutbeck.

Let's dive straight in and find out the all important details of this glorious wedding...

wedding stationery, wedding invitations, wedding invites skipton, wedding invites yorkshire,


How did you meet?

"He was the electrician we hired to rewire my house!"

How did he propose? Or did you take the plunge?

"It was a Friday night, before we went on holiday. I’d been upstairs to the toilet and when I came back down he was just stood staring at me. I thought it was really weird. He told me to get my drink which was on the coffee table, so I did. I completely missed the Tiffany ring box that was next to my glass. So he had to nervously come over and get it and then get down on one knee. We still chuckle that I didn’t see the box!"

Tell us about planning your wedding… 

"Well, I planned everything, with advice and recommendations from friends and family, Easy Peasy... Not!"

What were you most excited about?

JENNA: "Seeing him at the end of the aisle as I walk down."

MICK: "Seeing Jenna in the dress walking down the aisle."

Did you trust your other half with any of the planning?

"Definitely not!! I even sorted his suit, tie and underwear, ha ha."

What was your theme? 

"Simple navy and silver."

How did Zoe incorporate this theme in to your stationery?

"She produced a navy design and writing on pearl card which looked amazing. It wasn’t too fussy or over the top, which is just what I wanted."

wedding stationery, wedding invitations, wedding invites skipton, wedding invites yorkshire,

What was your experience with Zoe like, as a designer?

"Zoe is an excellent designer. I know Zoe on a personal level, but when she is 'designer Zoe' she is professional with the added touch of being a down to earth person who will tell you what she thinks."

How did you feel when you saw the finished designs?

"I couldn’t get over the presentation of the invitations. They arrived in a Let's Make Something Beautiful box, with the invitations wrapped in pairs with tissue paper. Included in the box was a wedding Yankee candle and a pen. It was amazing and not what I was expecting! Seeing the actual invites once I’d unwrapped them made the wedding seem even more real, I was eager to get them sent out for everyone to see."

How many bridesmaids and pageboys did you have?

"We just had our son Finley as page boy, he is five years old."

wedding stationery, wedding invitations, wedding invites skipton, wedding invites yorkshire,

Tell us about the big day itself…

"I spent my morning building Cars Lego with Finley. Once 12pm came it was all systems go! As Finley, my dad and I waited to enter the room, I had a little cry. Once we started walking and I saw Mick’s big smiling face I couldn’t help but smile, and everyone else was smiling and wiping tears. I giggled through most of the ceremony as I’ve never seen Mick as serious before. Everything was perfect after that. We had our photos done by a local photographer in the Lakes - Chris Freer Photography - in the grounds. We then went in for speeches. Finley started off our speeches, then my dad, followed by Mick. There were a few tears and a lot of laughs throughout the speeches. The hotel did amazing with the food and the hospitality. We then had the guitarist John Penn to entertain us and our guests for the evening. It was amazing from start to finish. Mick danced most of the night on the dance floor!"

What was the easiest thing about planning your wedding?

"My dress. It was the first one I tried on. Everybody cried so I had to choose that one."

…and the hardest?

"We are having a separate night do back home at the end of November. In September, our venue unexpectedly decided to close down, so trying to find another venue for a similar price and to allow the same guest numbers was quite tricky. We had to change the day of our night do. What made it worse was I had already had my evening invitations printed by Zoe! In the end, I decided to do electronic invitations so Zoe designed one I could text out."

Did your guests like your stationery?

"They loved the stationary, as did we."

wedding stationery, wedding invitations, wedding invites skipton, wedding invites yorkshire,

Did you get any particularly positive feedback for your theme and design?

"They liked the added diamante touches and the colour coordinated inserts."

Where are you planning to go on your honeymoon?

"We are planning one for next year, but we have not decided where yet."

Would you recommend LMSB to friends and family?

"I always recommend Zoe to anyone needing any sort of stationary whether wedding related or not!"


Thank you Jenna and Mick for sharing your special day with us!

It must have been incredibly difficult and stressful for Jenna and Mick to find out that their evening party venue was suddenly closing. Things can and do go wrong with planning weddings. Sometimes it's best to have a Plan B if at all possible, to at least give yourself an idea of alternative arrangements should plans have to change. It's not always possible to have a Plan B either, but in our experience, the worst thing to do is panic! If alternative arrangements have to be made, the people you love will always do their best to get there to share your special day! It's really important to contact your suppliers as soon as possible if there's an issue with your venue or something big needs changing, as your suppliers will be able to recommend other wedding professionals who may be able to assist. And as in Jenna and Mick's case, Zoe was able to offer an alternative digital invitation design to ensure guests got the information they needed without the happy couple having to break the bank with further printing costs. If things do seem to be going wrong, speak to the people you are working with for advice.

Wedding industry colleagues have experienced all kinds of mishaps and disasters that we learn from all the time, so have the benefit of experience that we can share with our clients, to help resolve any number of potential issues that may arise. Lots of weddings are planned and organised with no issues, so try not to worry. There is always a solution, and we will help you find one if you're struggling.


We will do a special “Round Up" blog to remind you of all our very special Featured Brides of 2017, in December!

Much love,

Let's Make Something Beautiful

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